Every picture tells a story cockney edition

Well I guess I will give yer the real story or at least as much as I can remember some I 'ide ter keep me from gahn fully insane...
I were born on June 23rd 1955 I were born ter a favver 'oo were a professor ter a university ad me muvver I don't remember wot she did I 'ad a sister named Elisabeff. I remember wen I were yung I 'ad dreams of magical places I never will forget them times... beside that I remember at 1960 a man walked ter my sister's room I 'eard some 'orrible noises and then I spot a figure in darkness I closed me mince pies and tried ter leap 'appy... but that were until a fire took out dahn the apples and pears I went where me cat went wich were the window. Luckily some firemen Chas'n'Daved me by takin' me outside wile I were copping ter safety I seen in fear me family burnin' alive..... I felt like there gone and I felt guilt and depression and wen I got out I were in tears and 'ugged the fireman me guilt caused me ter kind a go insane a bit and me once beautiful dreams felt more like nightmares and me imagination became insanity I were bein' treated for me insanity. at 1972 I felt a call from a voice ter return into me imaginary world yet I felt I were bein' wotched sometimes at the asylum like sumfink or some bloke is near wen it's empty and sometimes I spot a shadow of some bear wiv a corpse 'ave a lookin' body and a smile that just 'ave a looks like a nightmarish Cheshire cat that creeps me out I don't remember much about it I called it the jabberwocky sense I feel like it's a monster that I can't control any roads I went ter sleep and so me dreams in this "new wonderland" and let's say it weren't 'appy as I remember it ter be it were more dark and kind a disturbin' and twisted version of me mind of it. So I tried ter Chas'n'Dave me mind.... but it weren't much I were still insane..., init?no matter the cause. So I tried ter ask some of the workers ter get some bloke ter help me they called a therapist. Named Allen James forest 'e did try ter get me ter forget at this time it were a year later... at 1973 in the middle of fall after one trip ter this new wonderland I seen a mate it were a blue rabbit named well blue rabbit 'e started ter bleed from 'is mince pies yeah cliché but this is me mind so I asked 'im "blue rabbit yer ok?" and well 'is loaf of bread fell off still alive sayin' "Nuffink is wrong just let's continue us trip! Oi!! Struth!! Oi!" and well the bloody sea were filled wiv many doll 'eads and even 'uman 'eads and a few bones and fru sea were more black and reddish and I said ter myself "I'm in hell fire!!" the chuffin' doctor said ter just embrace it I tried and it torn me Nanny Goat Race off
So I got out of the hypnosis and I said "i felt like I 'it a train" forest decided ter just 'ypnosis of blokes after I were done so I went walkin' 'round tahn and seen a cat I wanted ter pet it but it walked oray so I followed it and I were at a dead end and I 'eard this nasty sound and it were a bein' that 'ave a looked like the shadow's I seen as a kid and their were multiple of them they got too close ter me and some bloke 'oo were a sweet lady I knew tap me solder and me 'allucination Of the bloomin' many shadows I seen were gone and I followed the sweet lady I knew up their she asked me ter go up ter the roof and after goin' on I spot her change in me mince pies into some monstrous creature wich kinda made me go into wonderland wich for the start it were calm until it changed into basically hell fire for me I won't explain 'ow sense the story will take too long in me smilin' opinion...
After some time of tellin' yer this I guess this will be in parts so 'ave fun I know I will.... I guess......